The FaceValue application turns sales into service. It does not sell, but makes target audiences buy. The FaceValue application ensures the user puts real interest in the needs and constrains of the target audiences and tailors the approach. Hard sell is replaced by persuading. All of the above because "it takes two to tango".
By providing your resellers with the FaceValue application (for free) you ensure the highest number of purchases against the lowest cost per purchase at the same time.
On top of that, the resellers will stick to the global marketing plan and execution. The central data base with the marketing and sales decisions, text and pictures guides the reseller activities.
Lastly, the FaceValue application puts you in the position to guard and support the resellers on marketing and sales. You have 24x7 access to the marketing sales execution of the reseller on the 20 Points Of Purchase. You are in the position to monitor results versus objectives on all 200 KPI’s via the FaceValue Dashboards. You can support the resellers on the flight.
So structuring, guarding and supporting your reseller organization 24x7 at any location in the world will definitely increase Brand turnover.
Go and equip your resellers now. Order here now!