MaxCredible is the global product leader in Customer Credit Management. The application decreases the collection time by 50%, whilst simultaneously lowering the collection costs by 50%.
Both international companies, such as British Telecom, Kone elevators, Lely industries, Troy Chemical Company and PF Concept, and local Dutch companies such as CAK, Hotelschool The Hague, Pokon Naturado and PostNL have been using the MaxCredible SAAS application for more than 10 years.
The number of users per customer varies from 1 to 300. All types of customers are using the application. The company is staffed with IT experts who perform the marketing sales tasks with the help of the FaceValue application.
The MaxCredible application is available worldwide in a classic SAAS variant and in a variant. Both are available on Salesforce's worldwide app exchange. MaxCredible has no country agents except for France.
The brand is currently activating 8 Points Of Purchase out of 20, which on average 45% of the potential in 2018. The total marketing sales activation was 16%, 315 out of 2000 in 2018.
Pop's | 2018 |
1. Social Media | 0% |
2. Ezine | 70% |
3. Online Market Research | 0% |
4. Online Event | 0% |
5. Newsletters | 20% |
6. Website | 50% |
7. Online Advertising | 0% |
8. Customer Survey | 0% |
9. Tele Event | 0% |
10. Customer Service | 80% |
11. Trade Fairs | 10% |
12. Visits | 50% |
13. In House Events | 0% |
14. Training | 0% |
15. Branch Organizations | 5% |
16. Pop Up store | 0% |
17. Market Place | 0% |
18. Credit Management | 30% |
19. Traditional House Syle | 0% |
20. PR/ Blog/ White Paper | |
Total | 315 |
Of the Points Of Purchase that are activated, Point Of Purchase 10 Customers service represents 80% of the new business purchases, POP 11 Trade fairs represents 10% and POP 12 Visitis represents the remaining 10%. The potential of POP 10 Customer service is still huge.
In 2019, MaxCredible strives to:
MaxCredible has devised a strategy to ensure further success throughout the year. They are planning to:
So far, MaxCredible has booked incredible results in 2019:
For the remainder of 2019, MaxCredible are expecting an acceleration of turnover increase by activating Points Of Purchase and by meeting the strategy objectives of 2019. Till now, strategy 1 has been partly met and is reflected in the results. Preparation of the other strategies has been completed and the results of the activation will be reflected in the results in the second half of 2019.
In 2020, a 50% turnover increase (compared to 2019) is expected, driven by full year effect of Point Of Purchase strategy in 2019 and an increased activation of Points Of Purchase in 2020. This fostered by the FaceValue application.