Most companies use Mother's Day as a marketing tool to increase purchases in the period prior to the day itself. Special promotions and discounts are being offered to attract customers. During this period of increased promotions and discounts, companies can use FaceValue as an automated marketing and sales tool, to still keep their competitive advantage, seeing as most companies still don't use automated marketing systems.
Our automated marketing system makes sure you spend as little time as possible on your marketing processes. This ensuring that you have maximum time available for your core business. With just a click of a button you are able to get in contact with potential customers through 20 different ways!
Because it is almost Mother's Day, we are offering a temporary promotion. If you buy a license now, you will receive a dinner for two!
Contact us for more information!
Expiration date 12/05/2019
Promotion Terms and Conditions
Do not sell, make your prospects buy. By offering your brand at all 20 points of purchase in the best manner, at the right time, the right price, with all necessary information and with the right promotional offer.