Is there an unwritten rule that specialization is restricted to only a big company? Or a small company? Well, it has everything to do with how the team dynamics work and how the company’s sales team deftly manages to specialize.

If you are unsure about how to create a predictable revenue with a narrow specialization, test it out with the FaceValue Application. With everything you need to run a point on your sales, you can analyze the responses and gauge if that’s the right move. 

In this blog, let’s take a look at how big and small companies can specialize and what specialization has to do with the scale of a company. 

How does specialization look like in a big company?
Many big companies like the idea of dedicated prospectors. But such an implementation seemed impossible majorly due to the complicated hierarchy and the way of working in a big company. 

Even when the Head of Sales is on board with the idea, there is so much groundwork to do—piecing together the right people, maneuvering the politics and including legacy practices and systems. All of such additional work, apart from concentrating on the specialized task, makes it harder and complicated. 

At times, when the people are struggling to cope with it, then there is a call for a drastic restructuring to break down the team into different specialties. On the other hand, if at all the company isn’t running crazy with this idea of specialization, you can experiment with new roles on the side. 

So when you are trying it out before actually pitching it, you’ll have a good experience and practical knowledge about what you’re in for, instead of just guessing and flinging it blindly. 

Sometimes, including a new prospecting team, dedicated to a specific role, to your current sales team is much easier than restructuring the whole team. You don’t need to have a whole lot of people to begin this specialized role system—just a couple of people to try it out.

If it works, great! If not, no one has to know!

How does specialization look like in a small company?
In a big company, they have the workforce to even think about specialization. But in a small company where you have just two people in the sales team, how can you afford to specialize?

Well, specializing in a small company doesn’t have to go by the number of employees. Instead, it can be about dedicating your time to focus on the things that need to be done. So how can you specialize with just one or two salespersons?

  • Block out regular chunks of time. It can be a day, two days or just an hour—anything you need to complete a work. During such times, it’s essential to turn off other distractions and focus only on that specialization. 
  • Come up with one to three specific goals for that time. Result-oriented, targeted action works the best. Have a finite target to reach for that time, like making five mapping calls, adding x number of prospects to a specific list, etc. 
  • Try daily, weekly or monthly goals. And choose the one that works best for your specialization.
  • Get a buddy system going. You need someone to hold you accountable. It can be anyone from the sales team and both of you can hold each other accountable and review the results. 
  • Get help. If you are getting drowned under a mountain of work, see if you can outsource a part of the work. It can be to a virtual assistant, an outsourcing service or even software.

Get the help you need to specialize in sales from FaceValue Application
Are you struggling to get all the specialized work done all the while running against the time? The FaceValue Application is just what you need to save enormous time on your day-to-day sales operations. You can:

  • setup automated tasks and communications to prospects and customers,
  • persuade the prospects through 20 different Points of Purchase, 
  • analyze the sales analytics and improve your conversions, and
  • gather the feedback from customer surveys and include the learnings in your sales strategy.

These are just a few things that FaceValue can help you in. Check out how much value it can add to your everyday sales process here.


This blog is excerpted from: 'From Impossible to Inevitable: how hyper-growth companies create predictable revenue' co-authored by Aaron Ross and Jason Lemkin.

Break your revenue records. Silicon Valley's 'Growth Bible' makes it very clear how to get to hyper-growth and the work needed to get there.

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